Cayin VS Jolida

Amplificateurs, sources, préamplis, vintage, correction acoustique stéréo

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Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Cayin VS Jolida

Messagepar Wireless » 21 Mai 2006, 18:35

Hello! Im from Portugal. Here I cannot find much info about chinese amp and cd player!
Sorry to write in english but my french isn´t very good! Feel free to write in french... I understand a litle or use a translator.

My speakers are Triangle Celius ES. I use it with Yamaha rx-v2600 with Tituys (rear) and Noxa Major (center) to watch movies.

But now I want listen music with quality and with the yamaha, the Celius are a litle bright on the medium-high zone! So was thinking to buy Cayin A-88T tube amp and Cayin CDT17-Acd player to make a dedicated stereo system with them. But after sending some mails the seller guy recommended Jolida JD 801S tube amp and Jolida Music Van over Cayin pack. He said they are better and cheaper. he said both tube amps are good but Music Van is a clear winner over CDT17A. :roll:
Now I´am a litle confuse and I don´t know what to buy! So I need your advice!
I listen mainly to rock, soul and hip hop music. Which of tube amp and cd player do you reccomend?
I read some good stuff about Doge 6201 cd player. Is Doge good? Is better than Music van and cayin cdt17A? How much is it?

Are this the better option in this price range?

I´ve seen in Cayin and Jolida web sites warnings about fake material. Can you reccomend a good place (a place you trust) in the web to buy it? Maybe can you send me by PM!!

Thank you in advance
Best Regards

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Inscription : 22 Mai 2004, 07:55
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Messagepar beb » 22 Mai 2006, 21:48

hello and welcome here

I feel I can give you informations on what you're asking for...

I have a Jolida 100S, and a friend has a Cayin CDT17A. We have the chance to make a comparison between these 2 players, and the feelin is that no one is betterthan the other as just as their are not modified, but they are different...

I feel Jolida is more straight, filterless, more wild
The cayin is more musical , and seems to keep a link between notes...
I would say I would take the two ones and choose the player taking into account what CD I want to read...

After this consideration, there are other facts
1)Cayin is better made than Jolida. There are less problems with CDT17a than with Jolida players
2) Cayin is more expensive than Jolida (100S or music van). But what you have inside explains the price.
3) Cayin has more possibilities to be modified (you can change the OPAs, changing its musical color, adpating it to what you want, you can change the output capacities). I will say it has a wider range for modification, so it has a bigger potential

For the doge, it seems it is quite unavailable, providing it is a lua appasionnato, coming from the same plant... Problems with brands :roll:
It has very good reputation, in fact it has the same philosophy as Jolida, but for me it seems it is much more over. Could be a music van or a jolida at tje top... We are to compare a doge with jolida 100S and CDT17 but completely modified in 3 weeks
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Inscription : 07 Juin 2005, 22:24
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Messagepar TONTON MARC » 22 Mai 2006, 23:27

Hello. I think that cayin amps are bright in the high zone. I am not shure a cayin amp solve your problem with the triangle speakers high zone.

Short answer because writing english is not ease for me.

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 23 Mai 2006, 00:08

TONTON MARC a écrit :Hello. I think that cayin amps are bright in the high zone. I am not shure a cayin amp solve your problem with the triangle speakers high zone.

Short answer because writing english is not ease for me.

Thank you!

can anyone confirm this please! Because I was thinking on this one!

Hi BEB! You have PM!
I read that Jolida music van is superior than 100S in original state in some forums. I´m not tinking on optimize my cd and amp.
So betwen Jolida Music Van, 100 s and Cayin CDT17A which is the best? and betwen Jolida JD 801S and Cayin A-88T?

Are there problems with Jolida Music Van or Cayin A-88T?


Messages : 167
Inscription : 06 Fév 2005, 20:05
Localisation : sud-ouest

Messagepar zouzi64 » 23 Mai 2006, 12:43

Salut Wireless, je ne parle pas anglais :oops: mais je pense que sur des enceintes Triangle il serait préférable de prendre l'ampli Jolida 801 S et pour les platines cd la jolida music van ou la Cayin cd 17 qui sont 2 tres bonne platines cd de toute façon..

Platine cd Music van or Cayin CD 17
Ampli Jolida 801 S
Triangle celius
Very good !!! :party1:

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 23 Mai 2006, 13:52

zouzi64 a écrit :Salut Wireless, je ne parle pas anglais :oops: mais je pense que sur des enceintes Triangle il serait préférable de prendre l'ampli Jolida 801 S et pour les platines cd la jolida music van ou la Cayin cd 17 qui sont 2 tres bonne platines cd de toute façon..

Platine cd Music van or Cayin CD 17
Ampli Jolida 801 S
Triangle celius
Very good !!! :party1:

Thank you!
Why Cayin A-88T isn´t good match for Triangle? You can answer in French because I understand!
I like more the looks of Cayin than Jolida and everyone says that Cayin is better!
I was thinking on buying Cayin A-88T and Jolida Music Van!
What about this two above with my triangles?

Messages : 167
Inscription : 06 Fév 2005, 20:05
Localisation : sud-ouest

Messagepar zouzi64 » 23 Mai 2006, 17:22

Wireless a écrit :
zouzi64 a écrit :Salut Wireless, je ne parle pas anglais :oops: mais je pense que sur des enceintes Triangle il serait préférable de prendre l'ampli Jolida 801 S et pour les platines cd la jolida music van ou la Cayin cd 17 qui sont 2 tres bonne platines cd de toute façon..

Platine cd Music van or Cayin CD 17
Ampli Jolida 801 S
Triangle celius
Very good !!! :party1:

Thank you!
Why Cayin A-88T isn´t good match for Triangle? You can answer in French because I understand!
I like more the looks of Cayin than Jolida and everyone says that Cayin is better!
I was thinking on buying Cayin A-88T and Jolida Music Van!
What about this two above with my triangles?

Je ne connais pas vraiment le Cayin A 88 T mais j'ai testé le Cayin A 500 que j'ai beaucoup aimé sur des enceintes Kef serie IQ et BW serie 800 mais ça sonne tres droit et j'ai un peu peur que sur des Triangle cela donne un son un peu dur et fatiguant.( A tord peut-etre...)
Maintenant je peux me tromper puisque je n'ai jamais testé ce Cayin A 88 T par contre je connais quelques personnes qui ont les Jolida 502 S et Jolida 801 S sur des enceintes Triangle avec platines cd Jolida Music Van ou Jolida 100 S et qui en sont tres content.

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 23 Mai 2006, 17:45

Understood!!! Thank you!

After read all the forums and reviews I think I will go for Cayin A-88T and Jolida Music van!
I will buy also Speaker cable, interconnect and power chords from this chinese brand . The guy said they are better than Xindak! Anyone knows? Do you think is not a risk? Maybe the best option is to buy the cables here in Portugal...
My choice in Sine cable are:

Louis speaker cable 250 usd
Othello interconnect 250 usd
Royal power chord 100 usd

Bada 3300 power filter 75 usd Is this power filter ok? The guy said is better than Longyu... :roll:


Messages : 167
Inscription : 06 Fév 2005, 20:05
Localisation : sud-ouest

Messagepar zouzi64 » 23 Mai 2006, 18:11

Pour les cables il vaut mieux pouvoir tester sur ton ensemble avant achat donc je pense que le mieux serait de trouver un revendeur pres de chez toi qui accepterait de te faire un pret de cables contre un chèque de caution. Je te conseille si tu peux de tester les cables MPC Audio (made in France) mais biensur il y a beaucoup d'autres bonnes marques de cables.

Je ne connais pas les cables provenant de Chine, désolé...

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 23 Mai 2006, 21:40

I read some more things about Power filter and seem to me that G&W TW 03E or Xindak XF-2000E are better than Bada 3300 because has shucko plugs instead of universal ones.

So between xindak or G&W whichs is better? The G6W retails more a less 100 euros. What is the price of Xindak XF 2000E? In this price range there are better options? Maybe Longyu ...?

Concerning the cables (speaker and interconnect) I know they are new in the market so few people know this brand but xindak are well known. Any feedback on Xindak speaker, interconnect or power cables?

Thank you

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 24 Mai 2006, 21:00

Thank you very much for your help. I have already ordered the Cayin A-88T and Jolida Music van. But Know the seller offered me the oprton to buy the new version of jolida music van. The interior is the same but the exterior soffered a slight remodling. Anyone ear about this version? Where i can find photos of the new version?

Dernière édition par Wireless le 24 Mai 2006, 22:29, édité 1 fois.

Messages : 167
Inscription : 06 Fév 2005, 20:05
Localisation : sud-ouest

Messagepar zouzi64 » 24 Mai 2006, 22:16

Wireless a écrit :thank you very much for your help. I have already order the Cayin A-88T and Jolida Music van. But Knoe the seleer offered me th oprion to buy a new version of jolida music van. The inetrior is the same but the esterior sofered a slight remodiling. Anyone ear about this version? where i can find photos of the new version?


salut, j'ai une Jolida Music Van depuis 10 mois mais je n'ai jamais entendu ou vu qu'il y avait une nouvelle version de la Jolida music van (?)

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 24 Mai 2006, 22:32

zouzi64 a écrit :
Wireless a écrit :thank you very much for your help.

salut, j'ai une Jolida Music Van depuis 10 mois mais je n'ai jamais entendu ou vu qu'il y avait une nouvelle version de la Jolida music van (?)

It seems that Jolida made a new version of Music Van! The seller said only changed the look! I didn´t knew anything about this until now. Ialready asked for photos of the interior and exterior to compare! You know anything about this?

Messages : 167
Inscription : 06 Fév 2005, 20:05
Localisation : sud-ouest

Messagepar zouzi64 » 25 Mai 2006, 08:56

Wireless a écrit :
zouzi64 a écrit :
Wireless a écrit :thank you very much for your help.

salut, j'ai une Jolida Music Van depuis 10 mois mais je n'ai jamais entendu ou vu qu'il y avait une nouvelle version de la Jolida music van (?)

It seems that Jolida made a new version of Music Van! The seller said only changed the look! I didn´t knew anything about this until now. Ialready asked for photos of the interior and exterior to compare! You know anything about this?

Ah oui ça y est j'ai vu la nouvelle jolida music van :o Elle est vraiment pas belle !!! Je préfère largement le look de ma jolda music van...
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Dernière édition par zouzi64 le 25 Mai 2006, 19:08, édité 1 fois.

Messages : 14
Inscription : 21 Mai 2006, 18:13

Messagepar Wireless » 25 Mai 2006, 15:27

I just received photo of the new jolida. Is front panel is the same of your photo Zouzi but seems that the sides are different!
Thank you! Do you now if the components inside are the same?


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