PIXMANIA.be using Google Adwords to deceive buyers (WARNING)

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Messages : 6
Inscription : 28 Août 2012, 16:40

PIXMANIA.be using Google Adwords to deceive buyers (WARNING)

Messagepar sukoy27 » 28 Août 2012, 17:27

PIXMANIA.be using Google Adwords to deceive buyers into purchasing the Qumi Q2 instead of the Qumi Q5. BE-AWARE!

When you do a Google search for "Qumi Q5" you get the following results. Notice the 2nd sponsored link is "PIXMANIA" once you click on it, it takes you to their website and directly to this http://tinyurl.com/9oozde3 (second image) . What is more deceiving is that nowhere it states whether this is a Q2 or the Q5, the only way to know is by comparing the specs such as the ANSI between the old and the new version. In fact, when you Google search "Qumi Q2", no ads from PIXMANIA come up. This is very unprofessional and criminal marketing on PIXMANIA's behalf and should be addressed immediately. PIXMANIA should fire whoever is behind this scam if it considers itself a reputable company.
The Ad (model info completely hidden)
The specs = Q2

Messages : 145
Inscription : 25 Août 2012, 15:53

Re: PIXMANIA.be using Google Adwords to deceive buyers (WARNING)

Messagepar Solide » 01 Sep 2012, 10:23

Hi sukoy27, i think you could have the same error with many other product names! Try "iPad" in google for instance...

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