[TEST CIN&SON / Projectiondream.com] : Projecteur Epson EH-LS10000 (4K Enhancement) pour 7000€: TEST EN LIGNE Page 1

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Inscription : 01 Déc 2012, 10:49

Re: [TEST CIN&SON] : Projecteur Epson EH-LS10000 (4K Enhancement) pour 7000€: TEST EN LIGNE Page 1

Messagepar Beejourcava » 09 Mai 2016, 08:50

Re, merci pour ta réponse .
J'imagine que tu as essayé, mais en mode normal, tu trouves ça pas plus dynamique si re-visualise une scène après l'avoir vu en eco ? Après c'est difficile de revenir en arrière ...
Ou alors nos exemplaires sont différents car en mode Eco, c'est vraiment anémique chez moi ( en salle dédiée ).

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Messages : 3193
Inscription : 20 Déc 2011, 10:53

Re: [TEST CIN&SON / Projectiondream.com] : Projecteur Epson EH-LS10000 (4K Enhancement) pour 7000€: TEST EN LIGNE Page 1

Messagepar Soulnight » 10 Juin 2016, 17:29

Salut Julien,

j'avais complètement zappé ton message! :-)

C'est normal que tu préfère l'image en mode normal si tu compares directement avec le mode ECO.

L'oeil favorise toujours dans ces cas lá l'image la plus lumineuse, car on y voit aussi plus de détails. ;-)
Le site pour les tests de projecteurs & le home-cinéma: Projectiondream.com :yes:
Nos derniers tests:
--> Epson EH-TW9300 vs TW7300 vs Epson EH-LS10000: the Battle!
--> Sony VPL-HW65ES
--> JVC DLA-X5000

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Messages : 3193
Inscription : 20 Déc 2011, 10:53

Re: [TEST CIN&SON / Projectiondream.com] : Projecteur Epson EH-LS10000 (4K Enhancement) pour 7000€: TEST EN LIGNE Page 1

Messagepar Soulnight » 10 Juin 2016, 17:33

Je suis attentivement et participe dans des discussions sur avsforum au sujet de la compatibilité 4k24p SDR REC2020 de l'Epson EH-LS10000 à l'aide du boitier hdfury, pour profiter au mieux des bluray 4K.

Le HDR n'étant de toute manière pas souhaitable à l'heure actuelle sur projo.

Ca devient très intéressant! :-)

http://www.avsforum.com/forum/37-video- ... al-74.html

Whilst I have had an account with AVS for some years, I have not posted on here much at all (even though I read many of the threads) so that I do not cause any local conflicts with the other companies we deal with, but I thought it was worth coming on here to clarify some things, as I presume I am the dealer Paul is speaking of, as I supplied his LS10000, and have been doing lots of testing with 4K. For peoples information we have the following pieces of equipment for our use:

Projectors: LS10000, VW520, X5000
Sources: UB900, K8500, Strato
Processor: Lumagen Pro
Matrix: HDfury Integral
Test Kit: Murideo SIX-A & SIX-G

I can confirm the integral going into the LS10000, the Panasonic UB900 I can force so that the Panasonic shows that it is outputting. 4k24p SDR/BT.2020 YCbCr4:2:2/12bit (see the picture below I posted on twitter). In real terms, I believe the 12bit is being reduced to 8bit before reaching the LS10000, and I will explain why below.

So looking at the above, 12bit, would be above the limits of the LS10000, so that can not be getting through. Looking at the info page, there is no reports of deep colour, so I believe 8bit is getting through (especially based on the info provided by HDFury as I was not aware they were using 4:4:4 path for 4:2:2, rather than 4:2:0).

I have done a lot of testing since this, and can confirm Rec.2020 is getting through as expected. You can see the image from the that the colours look very natural in digital cinema without any adjustments. I have done more testing than this, but this is the easiest way to show that Rec.2020 is getting through.

I have not done a full Rec.2020 calibration yet (haven't had time), as I would like to see how close we can get, with the projector in it's own. I also need to understand what happens as there is no mapping in the projector. My feeling is that it will just clip all the colours it cannot produce, but we will see (I just need more time).

Moving on from this, I have used the Murideo SIX-G in recent days to do more testing. This Generator can output at different bit rates, and force BT.2020 on etc.

I can confirm that I get no signal if I force 10bit onto the 4k24p SDR/BT.2020 YCbCr4:2:2 output using the SIX-G, and as HDFury says this is most likely outside the remit of chipset (which incidentally appears to have a slightly higher maximum pixel rate than that in the Sony VW520 Projector according to the EDID, which could create another can of worms). I am unable to force 4:2:0 at this time, as the Murideo only does this in 50hz/60hz, but that could be a route for testing, once I can establish how to adjust/write an EDID for the Fury...

I did manage to test 1080/24p SDR/BT.2020 YCbCr4:2:2/10bit with the murideo, and that does seem to work with the LS10000, as I can see the colour change to take into account the Rec.2020, and the Deep colour reports 10bit, so once we have the HDFury scaler I can test this more. I have not seen whether I can force this on the Lumagen Pro yet either.

Lots of testing still to be done in-between the day to day running of the business etc, but I am trying to generate as much information as possible for the 3 projectors we have
Le site pour les tests de projecteurs & le home-cinéma: Projectiondream.com :yes:
Nos derniers tests:
--> Epson EH-TW9300 vs TW7300 vs Epson EH-LS10000: the Battle!
--> Sony VPL-HW65ES
--> JVC DLA-X5000

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